T H E   S T R O N G E S T   K N O W L E D G E


Caring for Horses Twice Daily

Race horses kept in a stabled environment will need participating in to at least two times a day. The reason is , they are confined to a tiny area, with no gain access to grazing with no opportunities to self exercise.

The horse's digestive system is designed to ingest small quantities of food at regular intervals therefore a stabled horse will be needing more feed, in particular fibre, to maintain weight because it will have no access to pasture. An additional essential part of mount care is providing hay in morning and day (and if possible some horses might require extra at lunch) really helps to maintain a healthier digestive pattern and reduce boredom.

Tips on how to How To Take Care of a Horse

Some horses will be messier than others when kept in a secure. Many are easy to clean up after and definitely will leave droppings all in one spot in the stable although some will walk it through the home bedding, requiring manure to be sifted out. A filthy stable can lead to medical problems, especially in the hooves.

A stabled mount should still have their hooves cleaned out daily to take out manure and bed linens from building up and trapping moisture and bacterias from increasing in the hoof which can lead to thrush. Thrush attacks cause a black compound on the sole and frog of the hoof, strong odour and crumbly hoof horn. Some horse can become lame when a yeast infection exists.

Regardless of what type of bedding is utilized, the process will be very similar. Stalls/stables should be cleaned out at least twice a day for a horse which is not proved.

This is safer for both you and the horses, to wash the stable although the horse is out of the stall but if doing so isn't very practical then tie the horse up to one side of the not work.

Providing Water to Attention For the Stabled Horses

Though horses desire a great deal of water, they spend very little time drinking, they are going to usually ingest water 2-8 times a day with whenever long-term 1-8 minutes. How you will provide and source water to your horses will depend after your situation.

Automatic machines: -

Automatic waterers save amount of time in that they automatically refill when the water reaches a certain low-level. They are easy to clean as most have an wall socket to release stored drinking water. However if the waterer breaks of doesn't function properly the horse could be without water and it will cost time and sometimes money to mend.

Here we have the advantages and drawbacks of some common watering systems.